A workshop on the Clinical Application of Medical Ozone Therapy in Diabetic Foot was held at Clifford Hospital on December 6, 2014.
A number of leading professors delivered lectures on the topics of “the Screening and Treatment of Diabetic Foot”, ”Application of Medical Ozone in Internal Medicine”, “Interventional Therapy in Diabetic Foot” and “Peripheral Nerve Damage and Interventional Therapy”.
Medical Ozone therapy is a form of treatment in which high purity medical ozone is applied to the human body for preventing and treating diseases. It is one of the most significant therapies of Non-Toxic Integrative Cancer Treatment pioneered by Clifford Hospital. Medical ozone has anti-microbial, anti-cancer and immunity improvement functional properties. It has been widely used to treat diabetic foot, cancer, disc disease, viral hepatitis, gynecological inflammations and cerebrovascular diseases. Medical Ozone Therapy is minimally invasive, low cost and has curative effect. It is proven effective in treating difficult cases of diabetic foot.